To inspire more people to volunteer, coach and be facilitators of sport
Volunteers, coaches and officials (e.g. referees) are the life blood of sport and without them, taking part, improving and competing in sport would not be possible for many people. The proportion of adults in Coventry now volunteering in sport is lower than the national and regional averages.
Volunteers are vital for leagues to run smoothly and clubs to survive and thrive in their local communities. There is a need to increase the levels of investment and support offered to those adults who are prepared and able to give their time to be volunteers, coaches and facilitators of sport, along with a need for improved structures to coordinate their efforts. There is also a need for initiatives and structures that will inspire and support the next generation of young people to become the future volunteers, coaches and facilitators of sport.
Strategic Objectives

As a London 2012 Coventry Ambassador, I was so delighted at being chosen to volunteer and be part of an Olympic Games that I have continued to volunteer at other sporting events.
I would always encourage others to volunteer in sport - it is an amazing experience!