Vision Aim 8
Vision Aim 7For sport to make Coventry a better place to live, work and visit
Taking part in sport has clear health benefits, but also provides opportunities to improve social inclusion and cohesion within and between communities. Sport has a major part to play in raising Coventry’s profile nationally and internationally, by attracting major events to the city, and is also at the heart of the city’s cultural, tourism and heritage offers – all of which increase visitor numbers and bring economic benefit to the city.
Finally, sport is a driver for regeneration - both in reshaping and redefining the physical landscape of the city; and in helping to provide training and employment opportunities for local people.
Strategic Objectives

Sport is important in tackling Coventry’s health inequalities by promoting a more social and physical lifestyle.
Attracting high profile sporting events to our city also forms part of our ambition to kickstart the economy and create a place where people are proud to live and work.

Councillor Ed RuaneCabinet MemberCoventry City Council